
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Garden 2013

For once, we got our garden in early.  We had some really hot, sunny days and it got us (and by us - I absolutely mean Tom and the girls...) motivated.  So by the end of April, our entire garden was planted.    Tom built a raised bed on the grass level and then we continued our Aztec tradition of planting our hill...

I do love a good family project that gets everyone working together.  So far it's been really fun exposing the neighborhood kids to garden fare.  A surprising number of kids have never heard of radishes.  It's fun to watch their faces when they realize radishes are spicy.... ;)  It's still early for harvesting here, but we've had lettuce, spinach, cilantro, strawberries and radishes.   I love "shopping" from my backyard!  And hopefully we got our tomatoes in early enough to get them to ripen.  Our "hot" season isn't very hot usually and isn't very long either...  And I only garden for the tomatoes.  Oh, and because our Prophet told us too...


  1. like John Denver said, "There's only 2 things that money can't buy - and that's true love and homegrown tomatoes!" Barry and I ate a ripe one yesterday. It was amazing! but we won't have another for a couple of weeks!

  2. Can hardly wait to taste your harvest!
