
Thursday, January 2, 2014

(Almost) a snow day...

I remember visiting the Pelton's as a kid and having it snow while we were there.  It was like, an inch of "accumulation".  And the Pelton kids were SO excited.  I didn't get it.  What's the big deal about an inch of snow?  
Well. Now that I live in WA and am raising children that only see snow in their yard once a year, I totally get it.  
The last day of school, before Christmas break, we got a couple of inches of snow.  My girls were out in it by 7:30.  School wasn't cancelled, but was 2 hours late, so we had some good time to play.  And being the cool mom that I am, I said they didn't have to go to school at all that day if they didn't want to... So for everyone, but Brooke (she had a party planned at school she didn't want to miss) Christmas started a day early...
Sam trying out the flavor of this particular snow fall
 We brought Ethan out so Tom and I could both play with the girls
 Erin didn't win the snowball fight I started with the neighbors...
 We did get everyone together to make a pretty sweet snowman though.  Our house is pretty much the gathering area for the street's kids...
 My girls and their man... 

Maybe next time we'll have enough for sledding... :)

1 comment:

  1. It was definitely awesome of you to let them stay home. Obviously I also grew up where 1 inch can get you a 2 hour delay or cancellation, and it was awesome! I love snow! And it's not like any real education is happening on the last day of school before Christmas anyway...
